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Everything is Amazing….

And nobody’s happy….

Found this on my darling friend Leonie’s site, Goddess Guidebook (see right hand column for link) and I keep playing it over and over, letting the complete truth of this humour wash over me 🙂


Tiny Beautiful Things

“One Christmas at the very beginning of your twenties when your mother gives you a warm coat that she saved for months to buy, don’t look at her skeptically after she tells you she thought the coat was perfect for you. Don’t hold it up and say it’s longer than you like your coats to be and too puffy and possibly even too warm. Your mother will be dead by spring. That coat will be the last gift she gave you. You will regret the small thing you didn’t say for the rest of your life.

Say thank you.”

Madly in Love

February 13th is international Self-Love day
Find out more here:

Many years ago I began my journey of self-love, at that time, I wrote this in my journal:

On Self-Love
(from Who am I? Part 2)

Okay, you love yourself? What does this mean? To me, this never really felt true til I started to treat myself as a lover, a partner, a friend, a true-love, a soul-mate. A commitment to being the person you would WANT to spend the rest of life with…cos let’s face it…you really do have to. Someone who you would be happy to wake up to each morning for the rest of your mornings.

For me this means…

Holding her hand when she’s scared

Saying only kind things to and about her

Looking at her with loving eyes

Accepting her just the way she is and encouraging her to grow, to be all she can be.

Loving things about her that she doesn’t love

Protecting her, not allowing others to harm her or put her down.

Forgiving her for her stumblings

Telling her I love her

Telling her she is beautiful and making sure she believes it.

Giving her gifts

Comforting her when she needs it

Holding her tight at night

Showing her that she deserves the very best

Being loyal to her, choosing her over all others

Allowing her room to move

Providing for her, sharing all I have with her

Making her feel safe, secure and wanted

Appreciating and recognising all she does

Working thru the hard stuff with her

Trusting her judgement

Making a committment to love her forever

Sometimes I forget
I forget what it means to love me
I somehow confuse love with judgment
Or pay more attentioin to someone else’s idea of worthiness
Than I do to my own deep-hearted voice
The one telling me to be gentle with me
To forgive, to comfort, to support
My own beautiful soul
and then, as if from no-where
But always really from somewhere special
Comes a timely reminder
And it becomes easier each time
To simply slip back into my own love-affair
Into that familiar oneness with myself
And I am so very grateful

So, on February 13th 2011,

and on every other day of every other year

Remind yourself,

fall in love again

With you


Foot Circles

I just adore how other people take foot circle pics too
And I totally adore how my beautiful friend Mere’s foot totally stands out in this pic (its a blue nail-polish thing)
I have no idea how this world-wide foot-circle phenomenum began, maybe it is all part of the collective is that important!
So lets get sharing our foot-circle pics, k?
The world needs more feet in circles.